Unique portable humidity calibrator from Michell provides 12 hours of battery powered use.

Michell Instruments has upgraded its portable humidity calibrator - the S503 to include an optional battery pack for customers who need to conduct calibrations at sites without electricity.
The battery pack provides 12 hours or more of continuous use from a single charge, allowing a full day of calibrations to be completed on-site. This is a unique feature not currently offered for any similar calibrator on the market. The S503 provides true portability, allowing the calibrator to be used where the job is, even if power is not available.

The S503 portable humidity calibrator from Michell Instruments is a practical, affordable and flexible solution for calibrating RH sensors. It can be used by most service staff as no special training is necessary. Due to its ease of use, a 3-point calibration can be carried out in about an hour. The S503 in combination with a Michell Chilled Mirror Hygrometer, such as the Optidew Vision, offers a transportable and traceable, total humidity calibration system.
S503 & Optidew Vision
If you would like more information please contact:

Lindsay Zappala
Michell Instruments Inc.
319 Newburyport Turnpike
Suite 207
Rowley, MA 01969
Telephone 978-484-0005

Notes for Editors
About Michell Instruments

Established in 1974, the Michell Instruments Group of Companies brings more than 35 years of research, design and technology to the field of instrumentation and control. The current product range includes dew point transmitters, chilled mirror hygrometers, relative humidity (RH) sensors, hydrocarbon dew point analyzers, moisture in liquid analyzers and oxygen analyzers. The company serves industries as diverse as petrochemical and pharmaceutical to power generation and food processing.

Michell Instruments has three manufacturing locations: Made, The Netherlands; Lyon, France and Ely, UK. The company has an extensive network of factory trained application engineers, subsidiaries and distributors stretching across 56 countries.