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Avoid Tariff Compliance Penalties · Secure Your Sales · Save Operating Costs · Protect Your Capital Equipment

"It has come to our attention that certain analyzer vendors serving the natural gas pipeline industry are making exaggerated performance claims about their instruments' capability. These claims have been proven unsupportable by independent laboratories around the world."

Your Pipeline Company sells a service of moving gas from point A to point B. Your customer has negotiated the purchase of that gas at a certain quality. They rely on you to prove that their gas didn't get contaminated along the way, and that they are getting exactly what they paid for.

Gas Chromatographs (GCs) have been used for decades to report the heating value of your product and are used for custody transfer purposes. They have been widely sold, and are effective tools for reporting BTU, Wobbe Index and other quality related parameters of the gas you transport.

Since hydrocarbon liquids in the gas can cause damage to you and your customers’ costly equipment, one additional parameter, Hydrocarbon Dew Point (HDP) has been included in the gas quality specifications of many tariffs. More tariffs will likely be including HDP, and your customers expect accurate and reliable HDP data to verify compliance.

In an attempt to satisfy this requirement, some manufacturers of GCs have begun to sell software options that calculate HDP using equations of state. These same vendors admit that your older C6+ units can't do the job. They are boldly suggesting that you should replace them all with new C9+ units. Independent laboratory tests show that using C9+ units do provide more data but they are still not an accurate method for good HDP reporting. It is still a calculated result.

How much of a problem is it? Look at this brief comparison of natural gas typically found in North America. A quality HDP analyzer will measure the real number and it could be even be higher than is shown below. Are these numbers worth risking tariff violations, penalties, shut-ins and lost business?


Extent of Analysis C1-C12 C9+ 60/30/10 C1-C9+ C6+ 60/30/10 C6+
HDP °F 34.4° 25.7° 11.0° -5.2° -25.4°


If HDP data is this important, shouldn't you use a quality HDP analyzer to give you a consistently accurate value? They are less costly to install and use than to replace a C6+ GC with a new C9+.

Our proven HDP analyzer, the Condumax II, provides hydrocarbon dew point accurate to ±1°F (±0.5°C) 24/7 using the fundamental method of cooling a surface until the dew forms instead of a calculation based on incomplete information from a GC. Please review the full specification by clicking here

So who says the Condumax II works best? In addition to our customers,  Southwest Research Institute, an independent laboratory, has recently completed a comparative test on analyzers designed to measure HDP directly and accurately. If you would like a complete copy of this report, simply send an email to Jack Herring by clicking on his email address below, and the report will be sent out to you immediately.

At a time when your competition is fierce, staying informed on how innovative analyzers are solving this problem around the world can help your company avoid tariff compliance penalties, secure your sales by building trust, save operating costs, and protect your capital equipment.

I look forward to assisting you with any questions you may have regarding this. Please contact me at the numbers below.

For further information, please contact

Jack Herring, Sales and Marketing Manager,
Michell Instruments Inc.
319 Newburyport Turnpike
Suite 207
Rowley, MA 01969
Tel : 978 484 0005
Fax : 978 843 7669

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